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The Blog

This blog is inspired, partly by personal experience with being a mother and partner – and partly by many years of experience with counselling couples, families, teenagers and individuals. The topics are existential issues which most of us can relate to regardless of faith or cultural background and hopefully they will serve as inspiration on your journey.

Rediscover Your True Self and Recover from Your Eating Disorder
Each year, thousands of people develop eating disorders or struggle with weight and body image issues. Eating disorders can affect...

How Excessive Screen Time Undermines Social Responsibility in Children
As a family therapist, I often hear from concerned parents about the negative impact of social media on their children's development....

Balancing internal conflict: Cultivating compassion and Self-leadership
One evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, a seasoned sailor shared a story with his young apprentice. They stood on the deck, the...

Enhancing Your Relationship: Key Questions to Deepen Connection and Understanding
With over 20 years of experience in individual therapy and couples therapy, I have had the privilege of helping countless couples...

Navigate life's Changes with Confidence
Change is a constant, inevitable force in our lives, presenting us with a spectrum of opportunities and challenges that evoke a blend of...

How do I get my partner to see a Therapist
It's a deeply caring and brave step to recognize when you, or someone close to you, might need a helping hand. It's one thing to see that...

SOS From An Expat Spouse
Expatriation often comes with its unique set of challenges, affecting not just the individuals who relocate but also their families. A...
Sexual Abuse of Children, by Children
It is not always easy to tell the difference between natural sexual curiosity and potentially abusive behaviors. Children, particularly...
When the Kids Are Fighting
Here we go again… with the screaming and yelling, crying and swearing. It’s so frustrating when nothing you say and do seems to ease of...
The Power of Thoughts
Quantum Mechanics has proven that the waves of energy or potential that make up the field of reality that we live, move and breathe in...
Overprotective Parents
Children do not tiptoe through life, they romp, they run, they jump, and they explore. Given this scenario, parents should accept that...
Successful Step-Parenting
When two people chose to remarry with children, they must commit to the complexity of marrying both as parents and as a couple. In other...
The Search For Love
We search for love and try to get love, and yet it seems we never get enough. Even when we’ve found it, it can easily slip away as time...
A Guide to Expatriate Success
Families on expatriate assignment can greatly influence the quality of the experience by choosing to embrace the assignment. An...
Toddler's Temper Tantrum
Screaming, crying, kicking, throwing things, we recognize a tantrum when we see one. But did you know that one of the best opportunities...
The Complexity of Motherhood
“The moment a child is born, the mother is also born. She never existed before. The woman existed, but the mother, never. A mother is...
You Are What You Wear
I seldom watch television but one type of programs that really catch my attention is the “make-overs”. You see I am deeply fascinated by...
Commitment & Sacrifice Go Hand In Hand
A relationship is a lot like running a marathon. There are highs and lows, challenges and rewards, and times when you may want to give...
Happy Meals Are Healthy
After-school activities, long days at work and commutes, it's no wonder only a few families eat dinner together. Yet studies show that...
Stress-free Relationships
We often hear people say, "He drives me crazy!" or "She stresses me out." Although a long-term relationship can be extremely rewarding it...
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