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The Blog

This blog is inspired, partly by personal experience with being a mother and partner – and partly by many years of experience with counselling couples, families, teenagers and individuals. The topics are existential issues which most of us can relate to regardless of faith or cultural background and hopefully they will serve as inspiration on your journey.

Enhancing Your Relationship: Key Questions to Deepen Connection and Understanding
With over 20 years of experience in individual therapy and couples therapy, I have had the privilege of helping countless couples...

How do I get my partner to see a Therapist
It's a deeply caring and brave step to recognize when you, or someone close to you, might need a helping hand. It's one thing to see that...
The Search For Love
We search for love and try to get love, and yet it seems we never get enough. Even when we’ve found it, it can easily slip away as time...
Commitment & Sacrifice Go Hand In Hand
A relationship is a lot like running a marathon. There are highs and lows, challenges and rewards, and times when you may want to give...
Stress-free Relationships
We often hear people say, "He drives me crazy!" or "She stresses me out." Although a long-term relationship can be extremely rewarding it...
Cold Feet
Cold Feet, pre-wedding jitters or bridal nerves, a general sense of nervousness about a wedding are normal – after all it's a...
Marriage As A Gateway to Personal Development
Why is it that being in a long lasting relationship is so difficult to many of us. Why is it we struggle so much to obtain the perfect...
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