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Min Blog

Denne blog er inspireret dels af mine personlige erfaringer som mor og partner – og dels af mange års erfaring med rådgivning af par, familier, teenagere og enkeltpersoner. Emnerne omhandler eksistentielle spørgsmål, som de fleste af os kan genkende, uanset tro eller kulturel baggrund. Jeg håber, at de vil tjene som en kilde til inspiration på din egen rejse gennem livet.

How Excessive Screen Time Undermines Social Responsibility in Children
As a family therapist, I often hear from concerned parents about the negative impact of social media on their children's development....
When the Kids Are Fighting
Here we go again… with the screaming and yelling, crying and swearing. It’s so frustrating when nothing you say and do seems to ease of...
Overprotective Parents
Children do not tiptoe through life, they romp, they run, they jump, and they explore. Given this scenario, parents should accept that...
Successful Step-Parenting
When two people chose to remarry with children, they must commit to the complexity of marrying both as parents and as a couple. In other...
The Complexity of Motherhood
“The moment a child is born, the mother is also born. She never existed before. The woman existed, but the mother, never. A mother is...
Happy Meals Are Healthy
After-school activities, long days at work and commutes, it's no wonder only a few families eat dinner together. Yet studies show that...
Being The Parent Your Child Needs
Are you being the parent your child needs you to be? A strong, healthy attachment between parent and child makes parenting much easier...
Are You Raising A Little Princess?
In the West, the physical appearance of the body defines and characterizes what kind of person you are. A recent Time magazine study...
Fathers and Sons
For decades, psychologists and other researchers assumed that the mother-child bond was the most important one in a child’s life. They...
Mothers and Daughters
The mother-daughter relationship is the most powerful bond in the world as it affects everything from her health and self-esteem to all...
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